Code of Conduct
Houston Swing Dance Society (HSDS) is dedicated to providing a harassment-free environment for everyone regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of anyone in any form. We want to ensure the ballroom is an environment where people feel free from coercion, bigotry, discrimination, and bullying.
We will not tolerate any racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, or any other form of discriminatory language. Anyone behaving in this manner may be asked to leave or banned.*
HSDS does not serve alcohol at our regular events and we ask that you don’t bring any into our events. People who are found to be overly intoxicated or under the influence of something that is causing them to be a danger on the dance floor will be asked to leave.*
HSDS is not a pick-up venue. Do not make advances towards other dancers and please respect boundaries. Anything other than an enthusiastic yes is a no. Sexual harrassment (which refers to unwelcomed sexual advances and may involve sexual pranks, jokes, teasing, gestures, unwanted touching/grabbing, or suggestive conversations) may be met with a permanent ban from all of our events.
Unless you are asked for feedback, do not offer unsolicited advice to other people.
Other than in a jam circle (with a trusted partner) or performances, aerials are not allowed on the dance floor.
HSDS is an inclusive organization, in which each member is as valuable as others. We ask that everyone respectfully share the space and treat others with dignity.
Here is what you can expect if you make a complaint at one of our dances or contact a coordinator outside of an event.
The initial conversation with a coordinator may be moved away from other members/staff/busy dance floor.
Complete confidentiality unless someone is in direct/immediate danger.
We will ask how you would like the situation handled.
If the issue involves breaking our code of conduct, we will bring in a second coordinator and fill out a confidential incident report.
We will do one of the following actions: observe the person in question, immediately approach and ask for a correction of the behavior, ask them to leave, or call the police. We will take into consideration what action the complainant requested.
Our Limitations
As a non-profit and leaders in the dance community, we will involve ourselves in any and all harrassment that occurs at one of our events whether it is in a space we rent or out of the ballroom at a social gathering. We cannot, however, get involved in interpersonal issues and feuds. We will take swift action on any issues of harrassment and we take those very seriously, but we cannot act as a personal support network as we are not trained therapists or social workers. We are happy to help find local resources.
* = Upon uncooperative behavior, this may escalate to involving the security officer on premises and could lead to arrest, if necessary
Speak Up!
If anyone wishes to report an incident, behavior, or anything else that is, or appears to be, a threat to one’s or others’ well-being: speak up! If you are able and comfortable to do so, report the incident to the front desk, the DJ table, one of the teachers, or an HSDS volunteer. One of the coordinators in charge for the evening will monitor the situation and/or address the issue with the individual, which may lead to a warning, or the individual being escorted out with or without the help of a police officer. Any behavior violating the letter or the spirit of HSDS’s Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and might lead to temporary or permanent expulsion.
You may also send us an email at if you wish to report an incident or behavior that violates this code of conduct.
A Few Tips
Please be considerate of others around you. Use floor craft and apologize if you bump into another person while dancing.
Dress comfortably. Bring a towel or a change of clothes if you wish.
You do not need special shoes in our ballroom but many people wear shoes with leather or soft bottoms, flat sneaker type shoes, or low heels. Additionally, many dancers suede the soles of their shoes.
Having a reusable water bottle is highly encouraged. We provide drinking water during all of our events.
Lindy hop is usually a partnered dance. Since partners are close to each other while dancing, good hygiene is highly encouraged.
It is always a good practice to ask others how they wish to be addressed/treated.
We suggest you politely ask, “Would you like to dance?” If your request is declined, do not take it personal and respect the other person’s choice.
In cases where you wish to decline a dance “no” is a complete sentence. You do not have to dance with people who you do not wish to or do not feel comfortable dancing with.
When HSDS rents a venue that allows alcohol, we ask that everyone remains respectful on the dance floor, and please drink responsibly.